power systems-1

  1. Compare outdoor & indoor substation?
  2. With a neat diagram explain about sectionalized single bus bar system?
  3. How the power factor can be improved with the use of synchronous condensers.Explain
  4. Define load curves and explain about the importance of load curve in Generation?
  5. Write short notes on the following
    a) Load duration curve b) Integrated load duration curve.
  6. Define tariff & classify tariff.& Explain Each
  7. Define "Most economical power factor" derive the expression for the value of most economical power factor.
  8. Draw the layout of a Substation, Showing the location of all the Substation equipment?
  9. Write short notes on the advantages of a Gas Insulated Substations.
  10. Explain the following terms
    a) Diversity factor b) Utilization facto c) Plant use factor
  11. What is the significance of load factor and diversity factor in the cost of the supply of electrical energy ?
  12. Distinguish between two part and three part tariff.