1. Give a brief notes on i) Electric field Stress, ii) Gas as insulator iii)Liquid breakdown iv)Solid breakdown
2. Explain in detail Finite Difference method, Finite element method, Charge simulation method, Boundary Element method
3.Compare the various numerical methods available for electric field computation
4.Derive Pashen’s Law.Draw the Paschen’s curve .Also compare Paschen’slaw and Townsend’s criterion for spark potential.
5.Compare the pure liquids and commertial liquids give examples.
6.Explain intrinsic Breakdown and electromechanical Breakdown.
7.What is thermal Breakdown?Derive and expression for Impulsive thermal Breakdown.
8.What are composite Dielectrics? Explain briefly their properties.
9.Give a neat Sketch of all the circuits used for generation of high direct current voltages.
10.What is Electrostatic Generator ?Give its principle.Describe Vand De Graff Generator
11.Explain Half Wave Rectifier Circuit and Voltage Doubler Circuit to generate high DC voltages.
12.Explain Tripping and control of Impulse generator with neat circuit diagram.