1. Compare DC Shunt motor and Induction motor.?
  2. Write Short Notes on
    a) Industrial Drive b) Group Drive
  3. What are the various types of electric heating methods?Write short notes on each of them.
  4. Discuss the advantages of electrically produced heat.
  5. Write short notes on electric welding.
  6. Give a short account of inverse square law and cosine law as applied to illumination.
  7. What do you understand by electric heating? What are the advantages over other methods of heating?
  8. Describe the construction and principle of working of an induction furnace?
  9. What do you understand by i) Resistance welding ii)ARC welding.
  10. Define the following terms i) Solid Angle ii) Luminous intensity iii) Bright ness iv) Mean Hemi Spherical candle power v) plance angle
  11. Derive the relationship between solid angle and plane angle?
  12. What is an electric drive? Classify various types of drives? Discuss merits and demerits of electric drive?