1. List out the non-ideal DC characteristics of an op-amp? Explain.
2. List out the advantages of integrated circuits over discrete component circuit.
3. What is open loop op-amp? Draw its equivalent circuit. Explain its ideal characteristics.
4. List and explain the functions of all the basic building blocks of an op-amp?
5. List out the non-ideal AC characteristics of an op-amp? Explain.
6. What is instrumentation amplifier? Draw a system whose gain is controlled by an adjustable resistance. Derive the expression for instrumentation.
7. Draw and explain the operation of a Voltage to Current converter if the load is floating and grounding. Define the term Voltage follower.
8. Draw and explain the circuit of a sample and hold circuit and list out its applications
9. Draw and explain the operation of practical differentiator circuit and mention its drawback. Derive the expression for voltage gain.
10. Design an op-amp differentiator that will differentiate an input signal with fmax=100 Hz(Hint:-Assume necessary data).
11. Explain the working of Monostable multivibrator with its functional diagram using 555 timer and derive expression for pulse width also mention the applications.
12. Explain the working of Astable multivibrator with its functional diagram using 555 timer and derive expression for pulse width also mention the applications.