2. Draw the schematic diagram of Nuclear power plant & explain in brief?
3. Explain the following terms with reference to a nuclear reactor i)moderator ii)coolant?
4. Write short notes on i) Feeders ii) Distributors iii) Service mains .
5. Explain following systems of distribution i) Radial system ii) Ring Main system
6. What is the functionality of Boiler? Explain about types of Boilers?
7. Write Short notes on A.C.Interconnected systems?
8. Write short notes on classification of Reactors?
9. Discuss the relative merits & demerits of Underground systems with over head distribution systems?
10.Discuss about the following i) Nuclear fission ii) Chain reaction?With a Neat sketch
11.Explain about the Impulse Turbine
12.With neat sketch discuss about the Economizer?
12.With neat sketch discuss about the Economizer?