1) Explain Kirchhoffs Current law & Kerchiefs Voltage Law with Suitable Diagram?
2) Explain the working Operation of D.C. Generator with neat Diagram?
3). Derive the E.M.F.Equation of D.C.Generator?
4). Derive the Armature Torque Equation of D.C. Motor?
5) A D.C. Generator is have 500 conductors in the Armature Slots. The Armature is rotating
with 1500 r.p.m. The flux per pole is 3mwb.the generator is 4 pole wave wound machine.
Calculate Induced E.M.F in the D.C.Generator
6).Derive the E.M.F.Equation of Transformer
7) A Single phase 5 K.V.A. Transformer primary winding is having 400 no. of turns in Primary
winding, .the Maximum flux in the core material is 5mwb. Calculate the E.M.F.
Induced in the primary winding. Frequency is 50HZ.
8) What are the losses are produced in The Transformer, Explain Elaborately?
9) What is the importance of Back E.M.F. in D.C. Motor? Derive the Back E.M.F expression for
the different type of D.C.Motors. With Diagrams.
10) Explain the regulation and efficiency of transformer? Elaborately.
11) Explain the working principle of Alternator with neat diagram.
12) Derive the Voltage regulation of Alternator by Synchronous Impedance Method