NCSE TEST - I A.Y.:2009-10

Unit -1.
1. Define the following.
(a) Solar constant (b) Incident angle ( c) Latitude of location angle (d) Altitude angle
2. Explain about Beam and diffuse radiation.
3. Derive an expression for total radiation on Inclined surface.
4. Explain the operation of pyrhelio meter.
Unit – 2
1. Explain the main parts of flat plate collector.
2. Explain different Heat transfer transport systems.
3. Explain any two types of concentrating collectors.
4. Compare concentrating collectors Vs Flat Plate Type.
Unit – 3
1. Explain different methods of solar energy storage.
2. Write short notes on 1. Sensible heat storage 2. latent heat storage
3. Explain the principle of operation and description of non-convective solar pond.
4. Explain Solar Distillation.
Unit – 4
1. How are WEC systems classified? Discuss in brief.
2. Describe with a neat sketch. Working of WECS with main components.
3. Prove Incase of horizontal axis turbine maximum power can be obtained when
exit velocity = 1/3 wind velocity.
4. Write short notes on (1) Derrius Rotor (2) Savonius Rotor.