NCSE TEST - I A.Y.:2009-10
Unit -1.
1. Define the following.
(a) Solar constant (b) Incident angle ( c) Latitude of location angle (d) Altitude angle
2. Explain about Beam and diffuse radiation.
3. Derive an expression for total radiation on Inclined surface.
4. Explain the operation of pyrhelio meter.
Unit – 2
1. Explain the main parts of flat plate collector.
2. Explain different Heat transfer transport systems.
3. Explain any two types of concentrating collectors.
4. Compare concentrating collectors Vs Flat Plate Type.
Unit – 3
1. Explain different methods of solar energy storage.
2. Write short notes on 1. Sensible heat storage 2. latent heat storage
3. Explain the principle of operation and description of non-convective solar pond.
4. Explain Solar Distillation.
Unit – 4
1. How are WEC systems classified? Discuss in brief.
2. Describe with a neat sketch. Working of WECS with main components.
3. Prove Incase of horizontal axis turbine maximum power can be obtained when
exit velocity = 1/3 wind velocity.
4. Write short notes on (1) Derrius Rotor (2) Savonius Rotor.
2) Explain the working Operation of D.C. Generator with neat Diagram?
3). Derive the E.M.F.Equation of D.C.Generator?
4). Derive the Armature Torque Equation of D.C. Motor?
5) A D.C. Generator is have 500 conductors in the Armature Slots. The Armature is rotating
with 1500 r.p.m. The flux per pole is 3mwb.the generator is 4 pole wave wound machine.
Calculate Induced E.M.F in the D.C.Generator
6).Derive the E.M.F.Equation of Transformer
7) A Single phase 5 K.V.A. Transformer primary winding is having 400 no. of turns in Primary
winding, .the Maximum flux in the core material is 5mwb. Calculate the E.M.F.
Induced in the primary winding. Frequency is 50HZ.
8) What are the losses are produced in The Transformer, Explain Elaborately?
9) What is the importance of Back E.M.F. in D.C. Motor? Derive the Back E.M.F expression for
the different type of D.C.Motors. With Diagrams.
10) Explain the regulation and efficiency of transformer? Elaborately.
11) Explain the working principle of Alternator with neat diagram.
12) Derive the Voltage regulation of Alternator by Synchronous Impedance Method
1.What is on-chip memory? And explain the MAC operation with a suitable block diagram?
Explain Decimation and interpolation with an example.
What is polyphase decomposition? What is the advantage of polyphase realization?
Explain the direct form-II structure realization and draw its structure.
Obtain the direct form-I realization for the system described by the difference equation y(n)-1/2y(n-1)-1/3y(n-2)+1/4y(n-3)= x(n)+1/5x(n-1)+1/6x(n-2)
Design a Chebyshev filter with type-I method give relevant mathematical equations for magnitude and phase responses
Obtain the direct form-II realization for the system described by the difference equation
y(n)-1/8y(n-1)+1/7y(n-2)+1/6y(n-3)= x(n)-1/2x(n-1)+1/3x(n-2)-1/4x(n-3)
Obtain the cascade realization for the system described by the difference equation
= x(n)+5/6x(n-1)+x(n-2)+13/36x(n-3)+1/6x(n-4)
Design a Butterworth filter and give relevant mathematical equations for magnitude and phase responses.
Derive the mathematical equation for determination of order of the filter for Butterworth filter
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FIR over IIR filter.
Design an FIR Filter using windowing technique and hanning windowing technique methods.
E.M-II last year Question paper
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Derive the EMF equation of transformer? Hence derive the voltage ratio.
(b) A 15kVA 2400-240-V, 60 Hz transformer has a magnetic core of 50-cm2 cross
section and a mean length of 66.7 cm. The application of 2400 V causes
magnetic field intensity of 450 AT/m (RMS) and a maximum flux density of
1.5 T . Determine
i. The turn’s ratio
ii. The numbers of turns in each winding
iii. The magnetizing current [8+8]
2. A 5 kVA, 25 Hz transformer has 1.3 % for copper losses, 0.7 % hysterisis losses &
0.3 % eddy current losses. What will be the % losses when transformer is used on
10 kV, 50 Hz system? Compare full load efficiency in both the cases. [16]
3. (a) What are the advantages of Sumpner’s test? Give the related calculation to
find the efficiency of a transformer.
(b) In Sumpner’s test on two identical transformer rated 500 kVA, 11/0.4 kV,
50 Hz, the wattmeter reading on HV side is 6 kW on rated voltage and on
LV side is 15 kW when circulated full load current. Find the efficiency of
each transformer on 3/4th load & 0.8 pf lagging. What will be the maximum
efficiency of each transformer? [8+8]
4. (a) With neat phasor diagram, explain the voltage regulation of three-phase trans-
(b) An ideal 3- step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power
to a balanced 3- load of 120 kVA at 0.8 pf. The input line voltage is 11
kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. Determine the
line voltage line currents, phase voltages, phase currents on both primary &
secondary sides. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain clearly the principle of operation of Induction motor.
(b) The frequency of stator EMF is 50 Hz for an 8-pole induction motor. If the
rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz, calculate the slip and the actual speed of rotor.
6. (a) Explain term Maximum torque, Full load torque, Starting torque & No-load
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 1
(b) An 8-pole, 50 Hz, 3- slip ring IM has effective resistance of 0.08 /phase.
The speed correspond to maximum torque is 650 rpm. What is the value of
resistance to be inserted in rotor circuit to obtain maximum torque at starting?
7. (a) Calculate reduction in starting current & starting torque when the supply
voltage is reduced by 25 %.
(b) A 3-, cage IM has a short circuit current equal to 5 times the full load current.
Find the starting torque as the % of full load torque, if the motor is started
i. DOL starter
ii. Star- starter
iii. an auto transformer starter with x % tapping
iv. Rotor resistance starter.
Starting current in (iii) & (iv) is to be limited to 2.5 times the full load current.
Full load slip is 4 %. [4+12]
8. (a) With neat diagram explain the operation of 3- IM as induction generator.
(b) Two motors A & B with 10 poles & 12 poles respectively are cascaded. The
motor A is connected to a 50 Hz supply. Find
i. Speed of the set
ii. The electrical power transferred to the motor B when the input to the
motor A is 60 kW. Neglect losses. [8+8]
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 2
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Derive the EMF equation of transformer? Hence derive the voltage ratio.
(b) A 15kVA 2400-240-V, 60 Hz transformer has a magnetic core of 50-cm
2 cross
section and a mean length of 66.7 cm. The application of 2400 V causes
magnetic field intensity of 450 AT/m (RMS) and a maximum flux density of
1.5 T . Determine
i. The turn’s ratio
ii. The numbers of turns in each winding
iii. The magnetizing current [8+8]
2. (a) What is the efficiency of transformer? How the efficiency of transformer can
be calculated?
(b) The turn’s ratio of a single phase transformer is 4. The resistance & leakage
reactance of HV windings are 1.4 & 1.6 respectively and that of LV
windings are 0.06 & 0.08 respectively. If 200 V is applied to HV winding
& LV winding is short circuited, find the current supplied by the source.
(Neglect magnetising current) [6+10]
3. (a) Draw the vector diagrams of transformer at load with lagging & leading power
(b) Calculate the voltage regulation for a 200/400 V, 4 kVA transformer at full
load & pf. 0.8 lagging with following test data:
OC test: 200 V, 0.8 A, 70 W (LV side)
SC test: 20 V, 10 A, 60 W (HV side) [8+8]
4. (a) What are the disadvantages of current & voltage harmonics in transformers.
Explain how these harmonics can be eliminated.
(b) Two single phase furnaces are supplied at 250 V from a 6.6 kV, 3-f system
through a pair of Scott connected transformer, if the load on the main trans-
former is 85 kW at 0.9 pf lagging and that on the teaser transformer is 69
kW at o.8 pf lagging. Find the values of line currents on the three phase side.
Neglect the losses. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain clearly the principle of operation of Induction motor.
(b) The frequency of stator EMF is 50 Hz for an 8-pole induction motor. If the
rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz, calculate the slip and the actual speed of rotor.
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 2
6. (a) With neat diagram explain the equivalent circuit of 3- Double Cage IM.
(b) A 400 V, 4 pole, 7.5 kW, 50 Hz, 3-, IM develops its full load torque at a
slip of 4 %. The per phase circuit parameters of the machine are: r1 = 1.08
, x1 = 1.41 , r
2 =? x
2 = 1.41 . Mechanical, core & stray losses may be
neglected. Find: rotor resistance/ph referred to secondary, maximum torque
and corresponding rotor speed. [8+8]
7. With neat diagram explain the various tests to be conducted on 3- IM to plot the
circle diagram. [16]
8. (a) Explain the speed control of IM by rotor resistance control method. How this
method of speed control is different from stator side speed control methods.
(b) A 4 pole, 50 Hz, wound rotor IM has a rotor resistance of 0.56 ph and runs
at 1430 rpm at full load. Calculate the additional resistance per phase to
be inserted in the rotor circuit to lower the speed to 1200 rpm, if the torque
remains constant. [8+8]
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 3
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) With neat phasor diagram explain the operation of transformer with capacitive
(b) The voltage ratio of single phase 50 Hz transformer is 5000/500 V at no-load.
Calculate the number of turns in each winding, if the value of the flux in the
core is 7.82 mWb. [8+8]
2. (a) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer.
(b) A single phase 150 kVA transformer has efficiency of 96 % at full load, 0.8 pf
and at half load, 0.8 pf lagging. Find maximum efficiency of transformer and
corresponding load. [8+8]
3. With neat diagram, explain the various tests conducted on transformer to obtain
its equivalent circuit. Derive all related equations. [16]
4. (a) Explain tests to determine the equivalent circuit parameters of a three-phase
(b) A 3-. 100 kVA, 5000/400 V Star/Star, 50 Hz transformer has an iron loss
of 1400 W. The maximum efficiency of transformer occurs at 80% of load.
i. The efficiency of transformer at full load and 0.85 pf lagging
ii. The maximum efficiency at UPF. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain the construction of Induction Motor.
(b) An 8 pole, 3- alternator is coupled to a prime mover running at 750 rpm. It
supplies an induction motor which has a full load speed of 960 rpm. Find the
number of poles of IM and slip. [8+8]
6. (a) A 4 pole, 400 V, 3- IM has a standstill rotor EMF of 100 V per phase.
The rotor has resistance of 50 m/ph and standstill reactance of 0.5 /ph.
Calculate the maximum torque & slip at which it occurs. Neglect stator
(b) Explain the various losses taking place in IM. Explain the effect of slip on the
performance of IM. [8+8]
7. (a) A cage IM when started by means of a star- starter takes 180 % of full load
current & develops 35 % of full load torque at starting. Calculate the starting
current & torque in terms of full load torque when started by means of an
auto transformer with 75 % tapping.
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 3
(b) Compare DOL starter, Star starter, Auto transformer starter & Rotor re-
sistance starter with relate to the following:
i. Starting current
ii. Starting torque
iii. Flexibility
iv. Cost & efficiency [8+8]
8. Explain all the modes of operation of Induction machine. Plot the neat character-
istics. [16]
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 4
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) With neat phasor diagram explain the operation of transformer with inductive
(b) The exciting current for a 50 kVA, 480/240V 50 Hz transformer is 2.5% of
rated current at a phase angle of 79.80. Find the components of magenetising
current & loss component. Also find the magnetising reactance & core loss
resistance. [8+8]
2. (a) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer.
(b) A single phase 150 kVA transformer has efficiency of 96 % at full load, 0.8 pf
and at half load, 0.8 pf lagging. Find maximum efficiency of transformer and
corresponding load. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain the various simple tests conducted on a single transformer to find the
approximate equivalent circuit of transformer.
(b) OC test is preferred to conduct on LV side & SC test is preferred to conduct
on HV side. Explain the reasons. [10+6]
4. (a) With neat phasor diagram, explain the voltage regulation of three-phase trans-
(b) An ideal 3- step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power
to a balanced 3- load of 120 kVA at 0.8 pf. The input line voltage is 11
kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. Determine the
line voltage line currents, phase voltages, phase currents on both primary &
secondary sides. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain clearly the principle of operation of Induction motor.
(b) The frequency of stator EMF is 50 Hz for an 8-pole induction motor. If the
rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz, calculate the slip and the actual speed of rotor.
6. (a) In approximate equivalent circuit of 3- IM, explain step by step the devel-
opment of equivalent load resistance.
(b) A 440 V, 19 kW, 50 Hz, 8 pole, IM has its stator & rotor connected in star.
The effective stator to rotor turn is 2.5:1. The parameters of its circuit model
are: r1 = 0.4 , x1 = 1.03 , r2 = 0.07 , x2 = 0.18 , rm = 25.9 , ri = 127.4
(including rotational losses) Neglect any change in mechanical losses due to
change in speed, calculate the maximum added rotor resistance required for
the motor to run up to the speed for a constant load torque of 300 Nm. [6+10]
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Code No: R05220204 Set No. 4
7. A 3-, star connected, 440 V, 4-pole, 50 Hz slip ring IM gave the following test
No load Test: 440 V, 9 A, PF = 0.2
Blocked rotor test: 100 V, 22 A, PF = 0.3
All above are the line values. The ratio of primary to secondary turns = 3.5, stator
& rotor copper losses are equally divided in blocked rotor test. The full load current
is 20 A. Plot the circle diagram and for full load find:
(a) The line current, The power factor, Slip
(b) Starting torque
(c) Resistance to be inserted in series with rotor circuit for giving starting torque
200 % of full load torque. Also find current & power factor under this condi-
tion. [16]
8. (a) Compare the speed control of 3- IM by rotor resistance control & variable
frequency control.
(b) Two slip ring IMs having 10 & 6 poles respectively are mechanically coupled.
i. Calculate the possible speed when first motor is supplied from a 50 Hz
supply line.
ii. Calculate the ratio of power shared by the two motors.
iii. If the smallest possible speed is to be attained independently by each
calculate the frequency of the voltage to be injected in the rotor circuit.
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Electrical Machines-II
phase ac supply is given to the stator of a 3-phase induction motor. Justify Your claim with
necessary mathematical equations
2. With the help of neat sketch, explain the constructional features of a three-phase induction
motors. Explain the differences between sq. cage IM & Slip ring IM.
3. Explain why the rotor of poly phase induction motor can never attain Synchronous speed
4. Discuss the phenomenon of crawling & cogging in an induction motor
5. Explain necessary steps to construct the circle-diagram
6. Draw and explain the phasor diagram & equivalent circuit of 3-phase induction motor.
7. Explain the terms air gap power Pg, internal mechanical power developed Pm
and shaft power Psh. How these terms are are related with each other?
Hence show that Pg: rotor ohmic loss: Pm = l: s: 1-s.
8. Write short notes on:
i) Double cage and ii) Deep bar Rotors.
9. Explain speed control of induction motor by using different methods
10. Discuss the points of similarities between a transformer and an induction machine. Hence,
explain why an induction machine is called a generalized transformer.
11. With neat diagram the explain Torque-Slip characteristics of three phase
Induction motor
2. Discuss the common troubles that occur in a fluorescent lamp and remedies that are to be taken.
3. Explain various methods of electric braking.
4. (a) Discuss the method of plugging as applied to dc shunt motor
(b) Explain the rheostatic braking as applied to dc series motor.
5. Sketch the typical speed-time curve for (I) main line service (II) suburban service (III) urban service.
6. Derive an expression for specific energy output on a level track using a simplified speed-time curve.
7. What are the various factors affecting the specific energy consumption?
8. A train consists of 12 coaches each weighting 30 tonne is to be haulted by a electric locomotive on main line with an acceleration of 0.8 km ph PS up a gradient of 1 %. The rotational inertia is to be 4 % for coaches and 15% for locomotive. The maximum co-efficient of adhesion is 0.2 and the tractive resistance 49 N/tonne. Determine the adhesive weight and the number of driving axles.
9. Compare the following systems of track electrification as regards to operating voltages, economy in operating and suitability.
i) Single phase ac systems.
ii) Composite system.
10. Compare dc and ac system of traction from the point of Main Line railway service.
11. Discuss why a dc series motor is ideally suited for traction service?
12. Explain the working of a filament lamp with a neat sketch.
- Obtain the mathematical model of DC converter, including converter control?
- Explain the solution of DC load flow?
- Classify the solution methodology for AC –DC load flow solution and explain?
- Briefly explain about converter faults in HVDC systems?
- Write short notes on over voltage protection in converter station?
- Explain the protection against over currents?
- Give a brief discussion on smoothing reactor, protection on DC line and DC breaker?
- Deduce the equation for effective current values of the nth harmonic?
- What are the adverse effects of harmonics and explain how we can reduce the harmonics?
- Discuss about types of filters and explain how a single tuned filter can be designed?
- Write short notes on space charge field, audible noise and DC line insulators?
- Discuss the basic principles of protection against over voltages?
power systems-1
- Compare outdoor & indoor substation?
- With a neat diagram explain about sectionalized single bus bar system?
- How the power factor can be improved with the use of synchronous condensers.Explain
- Define load curves and explain about the importance of load curve in Generation?
- Write short notes on the following
a) Load duration curve b) Integrated load duration curve. - Define tariff & classify tariff.& Explain Each
- Define "Most economical power factor" derive the expression for the value of most economical power factor.
- Draw the layout of a Substation, Showing the location of all the Substation equipment?
- Write short notes on the advantages of a Gas Insulated Substations.
- Explain the following terms
a) Diversity factor b) Utilization facto c) Plant use factor - What is the significance of load factor and diversity factor in the cost of the supply of electrical energy ?
- Distinguish between two part and three part tariff.
switch gear protection
- Draw & explain the Merz-price protection scheme for star-star transformer.
- Explain the need of bus bar protection and difficulties in bursar Protection?
- Explain briefly Distance protection of transmission lines?
- What are the advantages of neutral Ear thing?
- Explain briefly about Valve type lightning Arrester?
- Explain briefly Reactance Earthling?
- Explain briefly parallel feeder protection
- Explain briefly Tran slay scheme for feeder protection?
- What are the advantages of neutral Ear thing?
- what do you mean by effectively grounded and none effectively grounded systems?
- What are the various methods of protection against lightning strokes?
- What is PSM and TMS? Explain?
project front pages
1. Title
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. List of Figures
5. List of Tables
6. Contents
7. Abstract
8. Bibliography (to be quoted at the end of the project in last page)
Note: Colour: Black with golden print of binding front cover.
“Title of The Project”
A Project Report
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for degree of
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
1. Name (Regd. no)
2. Name (Regd. no) 3. Name (Regd. no)
4. Name (Regd. no) 5. Name (Regd. no)
Guided By
Internal Guide External Guide
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501401.
This is to certify that the project entitled NAME OF THE PROJECT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING From JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh is record of bonafide work carried out by
1.-------- --------
2.-------- --------
3.-------- --------
Kondlakoya, Medchal Road, Hyderabad – 501401.
Under our supervision and guidance
( ) ( )
Internal guide External Guide
Head of the Department External examiner
With great pleasure we want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the people who helped in making this project work a grand success.
We express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr/Prof. (External Guide) for his constant guidance throughout our project work.
We are greatful to Mr. (Internal Guide) for his valuable suggestions and guidance given by him during the execution of this project work.
We would like to thank . Prof.G.Deva Das, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for being moral support throughout the period of our study in CMRCET.
First of all we are highly indebted to Principal Prof...M..Ramalinga Reddy for giving us the permission to carry out this project.
We would like to thank the Teaching & Non- teaching staff of Electrical and Electronics Engg. Department for sharing their knowledge with us.
Last but not the least, we express our sincere thanks to Mr. Ch. Gopal Reddy, Secretary, CMR group of institutions, for his continuous care towards our achievements.
Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 1.1 ------------- ----------
1 Introduction ----------
2 Theory part of the title ----------
3 Design and Techniques applied ----------
i.e. block diagram,
Circuit diagram etc.
4 Implementation(S/W/Coding part) ---------
5 Experiment observation ---------
6 Results and Discussion ---------
7 Conclusion ---------
1. Titles: 14
2. Sub Titles: 13
3. Text: 12
2) No Underlines, No change of Font sizes, Font Types in the text (except for first character at the beginning of the paragraph) no darkening, no quotes single (or) double.
3) 1.5 Line Spacing
4) 2 Line Spacing between paragraphs.
5) Page Numbering is at the bottom middle of each page.
6) No colour text, except for photographs.
7) Figure Numbering is as follows:
For chapter3, 2nd Figure
Figure 3.2 at the bottom of the figure
8) Similarly for equations.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Chapter 2: Problem analysis
Chapter 3: Requirement Specification
Chapter 4: Design Specifications
Chapter 5: Development of an Algorithm / Hardware Design
5.1 Schematics / Program definition
5.2 List of components / Flow charts
5.3 Coding
Chapter 6: Testing against the specifications
Chapter 7: Implementation
Chapter 8: Evaluation / Results
Chapter 9: Conclusion (scope of the project)
1. Wayne Tomasi, ‘Electronics Communications System’, Pearson Education Asia, Third edition, 2001.
2. Write short description about DC transmission using different types of DC links.
3. Draw neat sketch of converter station and explain important component in brief?
4. Analyze the Graetz’s circuit with overlap condition (u < 600)
5. Explain constant extinction angle control?
6. What are the source of reactive power and explain them?
7. Compare AC and DC Transmission with respect to technical performance?
8. Explain the disadvantages of DC transmission?
9. Write brief discussion of choice of converter configuration?
10.Explain constant current control?
11.Draw and explain block diagram of hierarchal levels of control of HVDC?
12.Explain about conventional control strategies?
- Compare DC Shunt motor and Induction motor.?
- Write Short Notes on
a) Industrial Drive b) Group Drive - What are the various types of electric heating methods?Write short notes on each of them.
- Discuss the advantages of electrically produced heat.
- Write short notes on electric welding.
- Give a short account of inverse square law and cosine law as applied to illumination.
- What do you understand by electric heating? What are the advantages over other methods of heating?
- Describe the construction and principle of working of an induction furnace?
- What do you understand by i) Resistance welding ii)ARC welding.
- Define the following terms i) Solid Angle ii) Luminous intensity iii) Bright ness iv) Mean Hemi Spherical candle power v) plance angle
- Derive the relationship between solid angle and plane angle?
- What is an electric drive? Classify various types of drives? Discuss merits and demerits of electric drive?
1. Give a brief notes on i) Electric field Stress, ii) Gas as insulator iii)Liquid breakdown iv)Solid breakdown
2. Explain in detail Finite Difference method, Finite element method, Charge simulation method, Boundary Element method
3.Compare the various numerical methods available for electric field computation
4.Derive Pashen’s Law.Draw the Paschen’s curve .Also compare Paschen’slaw and Townsend’s criterion for spark potential.
5.Compare the pure liquids and commertial liquids give examples.
6.Explain intrinsic Breakdown and electromechanical Breakdown.
7.What is thermal Breakdown?Derive and expression for Impulsive thermal Breakdown.
8.What are composite Dielectrics? Explain briefly their properties.
9.Give a neat Sketch of all the circuits used for generation of high direct current voltages.
10.What is Electrostatic Generator ?Give its principle.Describe Vand De Graff Generator
11.Explain Half Wave Rectifier Circuit and Voltage Doubler Circuit to generate high DC voltages.
12.Explain Tripping and control of Impulse generator with neat circuit diagram.
2)Explain the construction & working of Air blast Circuit breaker?
3)Explain construction & working of induction Disc relay?
4) What are the types of Differential relay? Explain in brief current differential relay ?
5) Write short notes on Current chopping phenomenon?
6) Explain with a neat sketch construction of SF6 Circuit Breaker?
7) Explain the construction & working of Air blast Circuit breaker?
8) Draw & Explain Merz – Price protection of Star Star connected Alternator ?
9) What is the rating of Circuit breaker ? Explain?
10) An alternator rated 10 kv protected by balanced circulating current system has its neutral grounded through a resistance of 10 ohms. A protective relay is sort to operate when there is an out of balance current of 1.8 A. in the pilot wires which are connected to the secondly of current transformers with ratio 1000/5 ?
11)What are the various abnormal running conditions which may exit in a generator?
12)What are their Effects & how these Effects can be minimized?Explain in Briefly what you understand by Auto Reclosure?
- Write five properties for DFT
- What are the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of DSP?
- Find the DFT of a sequence x(n) = {1,1,0,0} and find the IDFT of Y(k) ={1,0,1,0}.
- Find the DFT of a sequence x(n) = {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using DIT algorithm.
- Realize the second order system y(n) = 2rcos(wo)y(n-1)-r^2 y(n-2)+x(n)-rcos(wo)x in direct form-II realization.
- Find the circular convolution of the given data sequences x1(n)={1,3,5,7} and x2(n)={2,4,6,8 }using circle method?
- Find the circular convolution of given data sequences x1(n)={1,3,5,7}: x2(n)={2,4,6,8} using matrix method?
- What is zero padding? Explain with example?
- Determine the system function H(z), impulse response h(n) of the LTI system defined by the difference equation. Y(n)= x(n)+3x(n-1)+2y(n-1)-y(n-2)?
- Why FFT is needed? Give the main advantage of FFT?
- How can we calculate IDFT using FFT algorithm?
- Find the 8-point DFT of the given sequence x(n)={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} using DIF, radix-2, FFT algorithm.
2.What are various functions of management?
3.Explain the importance of management?
4.What are the principles of sound organization structure? Explain?
5.What is organizational chart? What is its importance in preparing organizational charts?
6.Define Departmentalization? Explain any two methods of departmentalization?
7.a.)What are the objectives of plant layout?
b.)Explain the factors influencing plant layout?
8.What are the basic patterns or types of plant layout? Give a critical appraisal of each?
9.a.)Compare and contrast product and process layout?
b.)Supplement your answer with suitable diagram?
10.What is material management? Explain its importance?
11. Define inventory control? Discuss the objectives and functions of inventory control?
12. Define EOQ. What are the factors that determine EOQ?
b) Give any one example of closed loop control system?
2. a) Define “transfer function” ?
b) Derive the transfer function of a series RLC network” ?
3. a) What is “ Block Diagram Algebra” ?
b) Discuss any three rules of block diagram algebra?
4. How do you eliminate a feed back loop in a control system by block diagram reduction
5. a) What is ‘Mason’s Gain Formula’?
b) Explain the “determinant of graph ‘ ’” in ‘Mason’s Gain Formula’
6. Explain the procedure to determine the transfer function of a system by signal flow graph
7. Derive the time response of a 1st order system.
8. Starting from the general expression C(s) /R(s) = Wn^2/s^2+2*€*Wn*s +Wn^2.Derive an expression for the response of a LTI 2nd order system when subjected to a unit step input.
9. A unity FB system is characterized by G(s)= 1/s(0.5s+1)(0.2s+1) .Determine ‘Steady State
Errors’ for unit step, unit ramp & unit parabolic inputs?
10. Consider the equation 2s^4+s^3+3s^2+5s+10=0. Find the no. of roots in the right half of s-plane.
11. Enlist the rules for sketching the Root Locus Plots ?
12 What is the range of ‘K’ for the system with characteristic ?
equation s^4+5s^3+5s^2+4s+k=0 to be stable. 05
2. Draw the schematic diagram of Nuclear power plant & explain in brief?
3. Explain the following terms with reference to a nuclear reactor i)moderator ii)coolant?
4. Write short notes on i) Feeders ii) Distributors iii) Service mains .
5. Explain following systems of distribution i) Radial system ii) Ring Main system
6. What is the functionality of Boiler? Explain about types of Boilers?
7. Write Short notes on A.C.Interconnected systems?
8. Write short notes on classification of Reactors?
9. Discuss the relative merits & demerits of Underground systems with over head distribution systems?
10.Discuss about the following i) Nuclear fission ii) Chain reaction?With a Neat sketch
12.With neat sketch discuss about the Economizer?
2. List out the advantages of integrated circuits over discrete component circuit.
3. What is open loop op-amp? Draw its equivalent circuit. Explain its ideal characteristics.
4. List and explain the functions of all the basic building blocks of an op-amp?
5. List out the non-ideal AC characteristics of an op-amp? Explain.
6. What is instrumentation amplifier? Draw a system whose gain is controlled by an adjustable resistance. Derive the expression for instrumentation.
7. Draw and explain the operation of a Voltage to Current converter if the load is floating and grounding. Define the term Voltage follower.
8. Draw and explain the circuit of a sample and hold circuit and list out its applications
9. Draw and explain the operation of practical differentiator circuit and mention its drawback. Derive the expression for voltage gain.
10. Design an op-amp differentiator that will differentiate an input signal with fmax=100 Hz(Hint:-Assume necessary data).
11. Explain the working of Monostable multivibrator with its functional diagram using 555 timer and derive expression for pulse width also mention the applications.
12. Explain the working of Astable multivibrator with its functional diagram using 555 timer and derive expression for pulse width also mention the applications.